
HEALM is forming partnerships with cryptocurrency and NFT projects, allowing them an opportunity to establish a visible presence within the Metaverse and gain exposure to the growing HEALM user base.

Cryptocurrency partners provide an agreed upon supply of tokens for discovery in the mobile AR game. One hundred percent of tokens allocated by projects will go to the players via Treasure Chest airdrops.

NFT partners can have their NFTs airdropped, and may also be considered for exclusive community “flash sales.” Partnership NFTs are labeled accordingly. As player experience remains paramount, HEALM chooses NFT projects based on the utility they bring to the game and compatibility with the HEALM culture and vibe. The team also closely monitors overall NFT supply and diversity to support long-term value retention, and to avoid dilution of in-game NFTs already circulating.

HEALM approves select NFTs for players to buy and sell them through the HEALM Marketplace. These NFTs are marked as Marketplace Integrated. NFTs that HEALM plans to render in VR are marked accordingly, increasing their value with utility. NFT projects may elect to not allow VR integration for their NFTs (e.g., if they have an exclusive partnership elsewhere that does not allow it).

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